1 to be on one's own ground
estar en su elemento -
2 to be on one's own ground
būt savā elementā -
3 be on one's own ground
быть в привычной обстановке; ≈ быть в своей стихии; заниматься хорошо знакомым делом...he was not on his own ground and the room seemed charged with calamity and night. (L. P. Hartley, ‘A Perfect Woman’, ch. XII) —...обстановка была непривычная, и Гарольду казалось, что у комнаты зловещий вид, предвещающий беду.
In dealing with this matter he is on his own ground. — Этот вопрос по его части.
4 on (one's) own ground
Макаров: в своей стихии, дома -
5 hold one's own ground
להחזיק מעמד* * *◙ דמעמ קיזחהל◄ -
6 on one's own ground
בתחום מוכר* * *◙ רכומ םוחתב◄ -
7 hold one's own ground
doorzetten -
8 on one's own ground
op zijn gebied -
9 hold one's own ground
hålla stånd, stå på sig -
10 on one's own ground
på känd mark -
11 to be sure of one's own ground
чувствовать уверенность/твёрдую землю под ногамиEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > to be sure of one's own ground
12 of one's own accord
добровольно, по собственной воле, по собственному желаниюI'm leaving, but I'll leave when I'm ready, and of my own accord. (E. Caldwell, ‘Tragic Ground’, ch. III) — Я уйду, но уйду, когда мне будет удобно и когда я сам того пожелаю.
Nobby.realised that he would be forcibly thrown out any minute if he didn't hurry and leave of his own accord. (E. Caldwell, ‘This Very Earth’, ch. VIII) — Нобби понимал, что если он не поторопится и не уйдет сам, то его могут вышвырнуть в любую минуту.
Dora of her own accord suggested that she might now have some talks with Mother Clare. (I. Murdoch, ‘The Bell’, ch. XXXI) — Дора сама предложила побеседовать с матушкой Клэр.
13 on own ground
14 ground
sth is thick on the \ground ( fig) etw gibt es wie Sand am Meer;to break new \ground ( fig) einen Durchbruch schaffen;the airline's latest idea is certainly breaking new \ground in the world of air transport die neueste Idee der Luftfahrtgesellschaft wird die Welt der Luftfahrt revolutionieren [o grundlegend verändern];to go to \ground animal in Deckung gehen; fox, rabbit im Bau verschwinden; person verschwinden, untertauchen;he went to \ground in the Hebrides for several months er tauchte für ein paar Monate auf den Hebriden unter;razed to the \ground dem Erdboden gleichgemacht;to run sb/sth to \ground jdn/etw aufstöbern;to work [or drive] [or run] oneself into the \ground ( fig) seine Gesundheit ruinieren, sich akk kaputtmachen ( fam)above \ground über der Erde; min über Tage;above \ground lines/ pipes oberirdische Leitungen/Rohre;below \ground unter der Erde; min unter Tage;on the \ground ( fig) in der breiten Öffentlichkeit;their political ideas have a lot of support on the \ground ihre politischen Ziele finden breite Unterstützungthis part of town used to be my old stamping \ground diesen Teil der Stadt habe ich früher unsicher gemacht ( hum)waste \ground brachliegendes Land;to lose \ground mil Boden verlieren; ( fig); idea, politician schwächer werden, [an] Boden verlieren;to stand one's \ground nicht von der Stelle weichen; mil die Stellung behaupten; ( fig) festbleiben, sich akk durchsetzen;cricket \ground Cricketfeld nt;football \ground Fußballplatz m5) ( for animals)breeding \ground Brutplatz m, Brutstätte f (a. fig)fishing \grounds Fischgründe pl, Fischfanggebiet nt;spawning \ground Laichplatz m6) ship;to touch \ground auf Grund laufen\ground wire Erdungsdraht m, Masseleitung f;to be on common \ground eine gemeinsame Basis haben;we had soon found some common \ground wir hatten schnell einige Gemeinsamkeiten entdeckt;to be on dangerous \ground in ein gefährliches Fahrwasser geraten, sich akk auf gefährliches Terrain begeben;to be on familiar [or on one's own] \ground sich akk auf vertrautem Boden bewegen, sich akk in etw dat auskennen, in etw dat Bescheid wissen;to be on [or stick to] safe \ground sich akk auf sicherem Boden bewegen, auf Nummer Sicher gehen ( fam)to go over the same \ground sich akk wiederholenyour fears have no \ground at all deine Ängste sind absolut unbegründet;you have no \grounds for your accusations deine Anschuldigungen sind haltlos;to have \grounds to do sth einen Grund [o Anlass] haben, etw zu tun;to have \grounds to believe that... Grund zu der Annahme haben, dass...;on the \grounds that... mit der Begründung, dass...;an EU national cannot be deported solely on the \grounds of his conviction ein EU-Bürger kann nicht nur aufgrund einer Verurteilung ausgewiesen werdenPHRASES:to cut the \ground from under sb's feet jdm den Boden unter den Füßen wegziehen;to have both one's feet [flat] on the \ground mit beiden Beinen [fest] auf der Erde stehen, auf dem Boden der Tatsachen bleiben;to wish the \ground would open up and swallow one [whole] am liebsten im Boden versinken wollen vtto be \grounded ( unable to fly) nicht starten können;( forbid to fly) Startverbot [erteilt] bekommen; people nicht fliegen dürfen, Flugverbot haben2) ( unable to move)to be \grounded ship auf Grund laufento \ground sb jdm Ausgehverbot [o Hausarrest] erteilen4) usu passivecoffee \grounds Kaffeesatz m -
15 ground
I 1. noun1) Boden, derwork above/below ground — über/unter der Erde arbeiten
uneven, hilly ground — unebenes, hügeliges Gelände
on high ground — in höheren Lagen
2) (fig.)cut the ground from under somebody's feet — jemandem den Wind aus den Segeln nehmen (ugs.)
be or suit somebody down to the ground — (coll.) genau das richtige für jemanden sein
get off the ground — (coll.) konkrete Gestalt annehmen
get something off the ground — (coll.) etwas in die Tat umsetzen
go to ground — [Fuchs usw.:] im Bau verschwinden; [Person:] untertauchen
run somebody/oneself into the ground — (coll.) jemanden/sich kaputtmachen (ugs.)
run a car into the ground — (coll.) ein Auto solange fahren, bis es schrottreif ist
on the ground — (in practice) an Ort und Stelle
thin/thick on the ground — dünn/dicht gesät
cover much or a lot of ground — weit vorankommen
3) (special area) Gelände, das[sports] ground — Sportplatz, der
[cricket] ground — Cricketfeld, das
on the ground[s] of, on grounds of — auf Grund (+ Gen.); (giving as one's reason) unter Berufung auf (+ Akk.)
on the grounds that... — unter Berufung auf die Tatsache, dass...
on health/religious etc. grounds — aus gesundheitlichen/religiösen usw. Gründen
the grounds for divorce are... — als Scheidungsgrund gilt...
have no grounds for something/to do something — keinen Grund für etwas haben/keinen Grund haben, etwas zu tun
7) (Electr.) Erde, die2. transitive verb1) (cause to run ashore) auf Grund setzenbe grounded on — gründen auf (+ Dat.)
3) (Aeronaut.) am Boden festhalten; (prevent from flying) nicht fliegen lassen [Piloten]3. intransitive verb(run ashore) [Schiff:] auf Grund laufenII 1.see academic.ru/32496/grind">grind 1., 2.2. adjectivegemahlen [Kaffee, Getreide]ground meat — (Amer.) Hackfleisch, das
ground coffee — Kaffeepulver, das
* * *past tense, past participle; = grind* * *ground1[graʊnd]to be burnt [or AM burned] to the \ground vollständig [o bis auf die Grundmauern] niedergebrannt werdento be razed to the \ground dem Erdboden gleichgemacht werdento run an animal to \ground ein Tier aufstöbern; ( fig)to run sb to \ground jdn aufspüren [o ausfindig machen]above/below \ground über/unter der Erde; MIN über/unter Tage; ( fig fam: alive/dead) am Leben/unter der Erdeabove \ground lines/pipes oberirdische Leitungen/Rohrehilly/level/steep \ground hügeliges/flaches/steiles Geländewaste \ground brach liegendes Landto gain/lose \ground MIL Boden gewinnen/verlieren; ( fig) idea, politician an Boden/gewinnen/verlierento give \ground to sb/sth vor jdm/etw zurückweichento make up \ground SPORT den Abstand verringern, aufholento stand one's \ground nicht von der Stelle weichen; MIL die Stellung behaupten; ( fig) festbleiben, nicht nachgeben5. (surrounding a building)▪ \grounds pl Anlagen plcricket \ground Cricketfeld ntfootball \ground Fußballplatz mfishing \grounds Fischgründe pl, Fischfanggebiet ntspawning \ground Laichplatz mto touch \ground NAUT auf Grund laufento be on common \ground eine gemeinsame Basis habenwe had soon found some common \ground wir hatten schnell einige Gemeinsamkeiten entdecktto be on familiar [or on one's own] \ground sich akk auf vertrautem Boden bewegen; ( fig) sich akk auskennento stick to safe \ground auf Nummer Sicher gehen famto go over the same \ground sich akk wiederholento cover the \ground well ein Thema umfassend behandelnin his lectures he covered a lot of \ground in seinen Vorträgen sprach er vieles anyour fears have no \ground at all deine Ängste sind absolut unbegründetyou have no \grounds for your accusations deine Anschuldigungen sind völlig unbegründet [o haltlos]there are no \grounds for the assumption that... es gibt keinen Grund zur Annahme, dass...\grounds for divorce Scheidungsgrund m\ground for exclusion Ausschließungsgrund m\grounds for a judgement Urteilsgründe plstatement of \grounds Begründung flegal \ground Rechtsgrund mon medical \grounds aus medizinischen Gründensubstantial/valid \grounds erhebliche/stichhaltige Gründeto give sb \grounds to complain jdm Grund zur Klage gebento have \grounds to do sth einen Grund [o Anlass] haben, etw zu tunto have \grounds to believe that... Grund zu der Annahme haben, dass...on the \ground[s] of sth aufgrund einer S. genon the \grounds that... mit der Begründung, dass...on a black \ground auf schwarzem Grund13.the airline's latest idea is breaking new \ground in the world of air transport die neueste Idee der Luftfahrtgesellschaft wird die Welt der Luftfahrt revolutionieren [o grundlegend verändern]▶ to cut the \ground from under sb's feet jdm den Boden unter den Füßen wegziehen▶ to drive [or run] [or work] oneself into the \ground seine Gesundheit ruinieren, sich akk kaputtmachen fam▶ to fall on stony ground auf taube Ohren stoßen▶ to have both one's feet [flat] on the \ground mit beiden Beinen [fest] auf der Erde stehen▶ to shift one's ground seinen Standpunkt ändernthis part of town used to be my old stamping \ground diesen Teil der Stadt habe ich früher unsicher gemacht humin Hollywood talent scouts are thick on the \ground in Hollywood gibt es Talentsucher wie Sand am Meer fam▶ on the \ground in der breiten Öffentlichkeittheir political ideas have a lot of support on the \ground ihre politischen Ziele finden breite Unterstützung▶ to wish the \ground would open up and swallow one am liebsten im [Erd]boden versinken wollenI wished the \ground would open up and swallow me ich wäre am liebsten im Erdboden versunkenII. vt▪ to be \grounded (unable to fly) nicht starten können; (forbidden to fly) plane Startverbot haben; pilot nicht fliegen dürfen, Flugverbot haben; esp AM, AUS ( fig fam) Hausarrest habenthe plane was \grounded by bad weather das Flugzeug konnte wegen schlechten Wetters nicht startenmy father has \grounded me for a week mein Vater hat mir eine Woche Hausarrest erteilt2. NAUT▪ to \ground a ship ein Schiff auf Grund setzen [o auflaufen lassen]▪ to be \grounded auflaufen, auf Grund laufento be \grounded on a sandbank auf eine[r] Sandbank auflaufen▪ to be \grounded in sth (have its origin) von etw dat herrühren; (have its reason) in etw dat begründet liegento be well \grounded [wohl]begründet sein4. (teach fundamentals)to be well \grounded in German über gute Deutschkenntnisse verfügen5. ELEC▪ to \ground sth etw erdenIII. vi2. NAUT auflaufen, auf Grund laufento \ground on a sandbank auf eine Sandbank auflaufenground2[graʊnd]II. adj gemahlenIII. ncoffee \grounds Kaffeesatz m* * *I [graʊnd]1. nhilly ground —
how much ground do you own? — wie viel Grund und Boden or wie viel Land besitzen Sie?
they found common ground in the fact that... — die Tatsache, dass..., verband sie
to be on firm or sure ground — festen or sicheren Boden unter den Füßen haben; (fig) sich auf sicherem Boden bewegen
to be beaten on one's own ground — auf dem eigenen Gebiet geschlagen werden
to gain/lose ground — Boden gewinnen/verlieren; (disease, rumour) um sich greifen/im Schwinden begriffen sein
to lose ground to sb/sth — gegenüber jdm/etw an Boden verlieren
to give ground to sb/sth — vor jdm/etw zurückweichen
to break new ground (lit, fig) — neue Gebiete erschließen; (person) sich auf ein neues or unbekanntes Gebiet begeben
to cover the/a lot of ground (lit) — die Strecke/eine weite Strecke zurücklegen; (fig)
to hold or stand one's ground (lit) — nicht von der Stelle weichen; (fig) seinen Mann stehen, sich nicht unterkriegen lassen
See:→ foot2) (= surface) Boden mabove/below ground — über/unter der Erde; (Min) über/unter Tage; (fig) unter den Lebenden/unter der Erde
to fall to the ground (lit) — zu Boden fallen; ( fig, plans ) ins Wasser fallen, sich zerschlagen
to sit on the ground —
it suits me down to the ground — das ist ideal für mich
to get off the ground (plane etc) — abheben; ( fig : plans, project etc ) sich realisieren
to go to ground (fox) — im Bau verschwinden; (person) untertauchen
to run sb/sth to ground — jdn/etw aufstöbern, jdn/etw ausfindig machen
to run sb/oneself into the ground (inf) — jdn/sich selbst fertigmachen (inf)
5) pl (= sediment) Satz mlet the coffee grounds settle — warten Sie, bis sich der Kaffee gesetzt hat
6) (= background) Grund m8) (= sea-bed) Grund m9) (= reason) Grund mto be ground(s) for sth —
grounds for dismissal — Entlassungsgrund m/-gründe pl
on the grounds that... — mit der Begründung, dass...
2. vt1) ship auflaufen lassen, auf Grund setzen2) (AVIAT) plane (for mechanical reasons) aus dem Verkehr ziehen; pilot sperren, nicht fliegen lassento be grounded by bad weather/a strike — wegen schlechten Wetters/eines Streiks nicht starten or fliegen können
5)6)3. vi (NAUT)auflaufen II pret, ptp of grindadjglass matt; coffee gemahlenground rice — Reismehl nt
ground meat (US) — Hackfleisch nt
* * *ground1 [ɡraʊnd]A s1. (Erd)Boden m, Erde f, Grund m:a) oberirdisch,b) Bergbau: über Tage,c) fig am Leben;a) Bergbau: unter Tage,b) fig tot, unter der Erde;from the ground up US umg von Grund auf, ganz und gar;on the ground an Ort und Stelle;cut the ground from under sb’s feet fig jemandem den Boden unter den Füßen wegziehen;fall on stony ground fig auf taube Ohren stoßen;a) zu Boden fallen,b) fig sich zerschlagen, ins Wasser fallen;go over old ground ein altes Thema beackern umg;a) v/t einen Plan etc in die Tat umsetzen, eine Idee etc verwirklichen,b) v/i FLUG abheben,a) im Bau verschwinden (Fuchs),a) etwas zu Tode reiten,2. Boden m, Grund m, Strecke f, Gebiet n (auch fig), Gelände n:on German ground auf deutschem Boden;be on safe ground fig sich auf sicherem Boden bewegen;be forbidden ground fig tabu sein;a) (an) Boden gewinnen (a. fig),b) fig um sich greifen, Fuß fassen;3. Grundbesitz m, Grund m und Boden m4. pla) Garten-, Parkanlagen pl:standing in its own grounds von Anlagen umgeben (Haus)b) Ländereien pl, Felder pl6. meist pl besonders SPORT Platz m:7. a) Standort m, Stellung fb) fig Standpunkt m, Ansicht f:hold ( oder stand) one’s ground standhalten, nicht weichen, sich oder seinen Standpunkt behaupten, seinen Mann stehen;shift one’s ground seinen Standpunkt ändern, umschwenken8. Meeresboden m, (Meeres)Grund m:take ground SCHIFF auflaufen, stranden;touch ground fig zur Sache kommen9. auch pl Grundlage f, Basis f (besonders fig)10. fig (Beweg)Grund m, Ursache f:ground for divorce JUR Scheidungsgrund;on medical (religious) grounds aus gesundheitlichen (religiösen) Gründen;on grounds of age aus Altersgründen;on the ground(s) that … mit der Begründung, dass …;I have no grounds for complaint ich kann mich nicht beklagen;we have good grounds for thinking that … wir haben guten Grund zu der Annahme, dass …11. pl (Boden)Satz m12. Hinter-, Untergrund m13. KUNSTa) Grundfläche f (Relief)b) Ätzgrund m (Stich)c) MAL Grund(farbe) m(f), Grundierung f14. Bergbau:a) Grubenfeld nb) (Neben)Gestein n15. ELEK USa) Erde f, Erdung f, Masse fb) Erdschluss m:ground cable Massekabel n;17. THEAT Parterre nB v/t1. niederlegen, -setzen:ground arms MIL die Waffen strecken3. fig (on, in) gründen, stützen (auf akk), aufbauen (auf dat), begründen (in dat):grounded in fact auf Tatsachen beruhend;5. ELEK US erden, an Masse legen:grounded conductor geerdeter Leiter, Erder m6. MAL, TECH grundieren7. a) einem Flugzeug oder Piloten Startverbot erteilen:b) US einem Jockey Startverbot erteilenc) AUTO US jemandem die Fahrerlaubnis entziehenC v/i1. SCHIFF stranden, auflaufen2. (on, upon) beruhen (auf dat), sich gründen (auf akk)ground2 [ɡraʊnd]B adj1. a) gemahlen (Kaffee etc)ground beef Rinderhack(fleisch) n* * *I 1. noun1) Boden, derwork above/below ground — über/unter der Erde arbeiten
uneven, hilly ground — unebenes, hügeliges Gelände
2) (fig.)be or suit somebody down to the ground — (coll.) genau das richtige für jemanden sein
get off the ground — (coll.) konkrete Gestalt annehmen
get something off the ground — (coll.) etwas in die Tat umsetzen
go to ground — [Fuchs usw.:] im Bau verschwinden; [Person:] untertauchen
run somebody/oneself into the ground — (coll.) jemanden/sich kaputtmachen (ugs.)
run a car into the ground — (coll.) ein Auto solange fahren, bis es schrottreif ist
on the ground — (in practice) an Ort und Stelle
thin/thick on the ground — dünn/dicht gesät
cover much or a lot of ground — weit vorankommen
give or lose ground — an Boden verlieren
hold or keep or stand one's ground — nicht nachgeben
3) (special area) Gelände, das[sports] ground — Sportplatz, der
[cricket] ground — Cricketfeld, das
5) (motive, reason) Grund, deron the ground[s] of, on grounds of — auf Grund (+ Gen.); (giving as one's reason) unter Berufung auf (+ Akk.)
on the grounds that... — unter Berufung auf die Tatsache, dass...
on health/religious etc. grounds — aus gesundheitlichen/religiösen usw. Gründen
the grounds for divorce are... — als Scheidungsgrund gilt...
have no grounds for something/to do something — keinen Grund für etwas haben/keinen Grund haben, etwas zu tun
7) (Electr.) Erde, die2. transitive verb1) (cause to run ashore) auf Grund setzen2) (base, establish) gründen (on auf + Akk.)be grounded on — gründen auf (+ Dat.)
3) (Aeronaut.) am Boden festhalten; (prevent from flying) nicht fliegen lassen [Piloten]3. intransitive verb(run ashore) [Schiff:] auf Grund laufenII 1. 2. adjectivegemahlen [Kaffee, Getreide]ground meat — (Amer.) Hackfleisch, das
ground coffee — Kaffeepulver, das
* * *(US) n.Boden ¨-- m.Erdboden -¨ m.Grund ¨-e m. -
16 ground
I. вж. grind
GROUND glass матово стъкло
II. 1. земя, почва, под, настилка
broken GROUND разорана земя, пресечена местност
to break fresh/new GROUND прен. тръгвам по нови пътиша, новатор/пионер съм
to cover a lot of GROUND изминавам голямо разстояние
to cover the/much GROUND прен. вземам целия материал, изчерпателен съм, обхващам много области (за доклад и пр.), изчерпвам въпрос
to go/run to GROUND скривам се в дупката си (за лисица), оттеглям се от обществото, не ми се чува вече името (за човек)
to run a fox to GROUND гоня лисица, докато се скрие в дупката си
to gain GROUND печеля почва
to gain GROUND with печеля доверието/приятелството на
to give GROUND отстъпвам (особ. за войски)
to lose GROUND губя почва
to take GROUND ав. кацвам
2. място, местност, пространство, област, район
common GROUND допирни точки, общ език
forbidden GROUND забранена зона/тема, деликатен въпрос
3. земя, имот
р1 градина, парк, двор (към здание)
4. позиция, становище
to hold/stand one's GROUND не отстъпвам (от позициите си), държа на своето, оставам верен на убежденията си
to make good the GROUND заздравявам/задържам позициите си
to meet one's opponent on his own GROUND боря се с противника си на негова територня/прен. от неговата собствена позиция
to shift/change one's GROUND променям позицията си (при спор и пр.)
5. в съчет. игрище, плац
р1ay GROUND игрище
6. морско дъно
7. жив. грунд, фон
8. основание, причина, повод, подбуда, мотив (u pl)
on the GROUND of поради, под предлог че
on what GROUNDs? на какво основание? to have good GROUND (s) /no GROUND (s) имам/нямам основания (for)
on public GROUNDs по обществени съображения
9. pl утайка (от кафе и пр.)
10. ел. заземяване
11. мин. основа на пласт, долнище на изработка
12. attr земен, приземен
a below GROUND умрял, на оня свят
on the GROUND на (самото) място, при реални условия
thin on the GROUND малобройни
to the GROUND до основи
to be off the GROUND летя, във въздуха съм, прен. осъществявам се (за програма, проект)
to get off the GROUND започвам успешно
to be on the GROUND aм. гледам/следя за собствените си интереси, точно спазвам/навреме изпълнявам поето задължеиие
to be on one's own GROUND в стихията си съм
down to the GROUND, from the GROUND up напълно, докрай, във всяко отношение
to suit one down to the GROUND (нещо) ми e съвсем изгодно
to run into the GROUND ам. разг. прекалявам (с нещо)
III. 1. поставям/слагам на земята
2. основавам, установявам, уреждам, устройвам
обосновавам (on)
3. обучавам, давам основа (in по)
4. жив. грундирам
5. мор. засядам, закарвам (кораб) на плитко/до брега
6. ел. заземявам
7. слагам основа (на бродерия)
8. ав. забранявам/попречвам (на самолет) да лети, отнемам (на летец) свидетелство за летателна правоспособност, кацам
9. воен. слагам (оръжие)* * *{graund} вж. grind; ground glass матово стъкло.(2) {graund} n 1. земя, почва; под; настилка; broken ground разоран{3} {graund} v 1. поставям/слагам на земята; 2. основавам; уст* * *установявам; терен; район; основавам; почва; почвен; партерен; пространство; грундирам; грунт; заземяване; засядам; земен; игрище; земя; настилка; местност;* * *1. 1 attr земен, приземен 2. 1 мин. основа на пласт, долнище на изработка 3. a below ground умрял, на оня свят 4. broken ground разорана земя, пресечена местност 5. common ground допирни точки, общ език 6. down to the ground, from the ground up напълно, докрай, във всяко отношение 7. forbidden ground забранена зона/тема, деликатен въпрос 8. ground glass матово стъкло 9. i. вж. grind 10. ii. земя, почва, под, настилка 11. iii. поставям/слагам на земята 12. on public grounds по обществени съображения 13. on the ground of поради, под предлог че 14. on the ground на (самото) място, при реални условия 15. on what grounds? на какво основание? to have good ground (s) /no ground (s) имам/нямам основания (for) 16. pl утайка (от кафе и пр.) 17. thin on the ground малобройни 18. to be off the ground летя, във въздуха съм, прен. осъществявам се (за програма, проект) 19. to be on one's own ground в стихията си съм 20. to be on the ground aм. гледам/следя за собствените си интереси, точно спазвам/навреме изпълнявам поето задължеиие 21. to break fresh/new ground прен. тръгвам по нови пътиша, новатор/пионер съм 22. to cover a lot of ground изминавам голямо разстояние 23. to cover the/much ground прен. вземам целия материал, изчерпателен съм, обхващам много области (за доклад и пр.), изчерпвам въпрос 24. to gain ground with печеля доверието/приятелството на 25. to gain ground печеля почва 26. to get off the ground започвам успешно 27. to give ground отстъпвам (особ. за войски) 28. to go/run to ground скривам се в дупката си (за лисица), оттеглям се от обществото, не ми се чува вече името (за човек) 29. to hold/stand one's ground не отстъпвам (от позициите си), държа на своето, оставам верен на убежденията си 30. to lose ground губя почва 31. to make good the ground заздравявам/задържам позициите си 32. to meet one's opponent on his own ground боря се с противника си на негова територня/прен. от неговата собствена позиция 33. to run a fox to ground гоня лисица, докато се скрие в дупката си 34. to run into the ground ам. разг. прекалявам (с нещо) 35. to shift/change one's ground променям позицията си (при спор и пр.) 36. to suit one down to the ground (нещо) ми e съвсем изгодно 37. to take ground ав. кацвам 38. to the ground до основи 39. ав. забранявам/попречвам (на самолет) да лети, отнемам (на летец) свидетелство за летателна правоспособност, кацам 40. в съчет. игрище, плац 41. воен. слагам (оръжие) 42. ел. заземявам 43. ел. заземяване 44. жив. грунд, фон 45. жив. грундирам 46. земя, имот 47. мор. засядам, закарвам (кораб) на плитко/до брега 48. морско дъно 49. място, местност, пространство, област, район 50. обосновавам (on) 51. обучавам, давам основа (in по) 52. основавам, установявам, уреждам, устройвам 53. основание, причина, повод, подбуда, мотив (u pl) 54. позиция, становище 55. р1 градина, парк, двор (към здание) 56. р1ay ground игрище 57. слагам основа (на бродерия)* * *ground [graund] I. pt, pp от grind I.; \ground glass матово стъкло. II. n 1. земя, почва; под, настилка; грунд; above \ground на повърхността на земята; below ( the) \ground под земята; broken \ground разорана земя; пресечена местност; muddy \ground тинеста почва; sandy \ground песъчлива почва, песъчлив грунд; to break ( the) \ground разоравам земята; воен. започвам да копая окопи; прен. подготвям почвата; to break fresh ( new) \ground (и прен.) тръгвам по нов път, новатор (пионер) съм; to be on slippery \ground изпадам в затруднено положение; to cover ( the) \ground изминавам разстояние; прен. вземам целия материал, не изпускам нищо; развива голяма скорост (за кола и пр.); свършвам работа; to fall ( come) to the \ground падам на земята (пода); рухвам (и прен.); прен. падам (за възражение и пр.), пропадам; to fall on stony \ground удрям на камък, не дава резултат, остава без отговор (за молба и пр.); провалям се; to hit the \ground running започвам нещо с много ентусиазъм, впускам се в ново начинание; to get s.th. off the \ground давам старт на; стартирам, започвам (проект и пр.); to cut ( dig, sweep) the \ground from under s.o.'s feet подкопавам почвата под краката на някого; to run s.o. into the \ground вземам (вадя) душата на някого; давам някому зор; to gain \ground печеля почва; to gain \ground on наближавам, настигам, завладявам, обсебвам, присвоявам; to gain \ground with печеля доверието (приятелството) на; to give \ground отстъпвам; to lose \ground губя позиции; to the \ground до основи; 2. място, местност, пространство, област, район; разстояние; battle \ground бойно поле; breeding \ground развъдник; burial \ground място за заравяне на радиоактивни отпадъци; hunting-( fishing-)\ground ловен, риболовен район; familiar \ground прен. позната материя; common \ground допирни точки, общ език; difficult \ground труднопроходима местност; filled-up \ground насипен пласт; насипна основа; forbidden \ground забранена зона (тема); stamping \ground често посещавано място, любимо място; 3. земя, имот, имущество, състояние, владение; 4. позиция; to hold ( stand) o.'s \ground не отстъпвам (от позициите си), държа на своето, оставам верен на убежденията си; to shift ( change) o.'s \ground променям позицията си (при спор и пр.); 5. игрище, спортна площадка; полигон, терен, плац (в съчет.) building \ground строителна площадка; парцел за строеж; firing \ground стрелбище; proof \ground изпитвателен полигон; landing \ground площадка за кацане; 6. pl градина, парк, двор (към здание); 7. морско дъно; to take ( the) \ground засядам; to touch the \ground опирам о дъното; прен. идвам до същината на работата, до фактите; 8. изк. грунд, фон; a blue pattern on a white \ground синя шарка на бял фон; 9. основание, причина, повод, подбуда, мотив (и pl); \ground for opposition основание за възражение; on the \ground(s) of ( that) по причина, под предлог на; on what \grounds? на какво основание? to have good (no) \ground(s) имам, нямам основания ( for); the moral high \ground морално (етично) предимство; on public \grounds по обществени съображения; 10. pl утайка (от кафе; в спиртни напитки и пр.); 11. ел. заземяване; 12. пласт, който съдържа руда или каменни въглища; 13. ост. партер на театър; 14. attr земен; • above \ground жив, между живите, на тоя свят; below \ground умрял, на оня свят; не е между живите; thick ( thin) on the \ground често (рядко) срещан; to be on o.'s own \ground в стихията си съм; to go to \ground покривам се, спотайвам се; изчаквам удобен момент; down to the \ground (from the \ground up) напълно, докрай, във всички отношения; the job suits him down to the \ground работата го устройва напълно (е тъкмо за него); III. v 1. поставям, слагам, турям на земята; to \ground arms слагам оръжие, предавам се; 2. основавам, установявам, уреждам, устройвам; обосновавам (on); 3. обучавам, давам основа (in); to \ground s.o. in English обучавам някого по английски; 4. грундирам; 5. засядам; закарвам ( кораб) на плитко (на брега); 6. ел. заземявам; 7. слагам основа (на бродерия); 8. ав. забранявам излитания на самолети; отнемам на летец позволителното за летене (правото да лети); задължавам да се приземи; 9. разг. затварям (дете) вкъщи ( като наказание), не му позволявам да излиза. -
17 ground
past tense, past participle; = grindground1 n1. suelo / tierra / terreno2. campoground2 vbtr[graʊnd]2 (land used for particular purpose) campo, terreno3 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (electrical) tierra4 SMALLART/SMALL (background) fondo5 (area of knowledge, experience) terreno6 (position of advantage) terreno7 (matter, subject) aspecto, punto3 (base) fundar1 (instruct) dar buenos conocimientos (in, de), enseñar los conocimientos básicos1 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (electrical apparatus) conectar a tierra1 (ship) encallar1 (reason, justification) razón nombre femenino, motivo1 (of coffee) poso, posos nombre masculino plural\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLabove ground vivo,-abelow ground muerto,-aon the ground sobre el terrenoto be on one's own ground estar en su elementoto break new ground abrir nuevos caminos, abrir nuevos horizontesto burn something to the ground reducir algo a cenizasto cut the ground from under somebody's feet tomarle la delantera a alguiento drive/run/work oneself into the ground dejarse el pellejo en el trabajoto gain ground ganar terrenoto get off the ground (plan, project, scheme) llevarse a cabo, realizarseto go to ground esconderseto hold/keep/stand one's ground mantenerse firmeto lose ground perder terrenoto prepare the ground (for something) preparar el terreno (para algo)to shift/change one's ground cambiar de posturato suit somebody down to the ground (situation) venirle a alguien de perlas 2 (clothes) quedarle a alguien que ni pintadoto touch ground SMALLMARITIME/SMALL tocar fondoground control control nombre masculino de tierraground floor planta bajaground glass vidrio molido, cristal nombre masculino molidoground rule directriz nombre femeninoground staff (at airport) personal nombre masculino de tierra 2 (at sports stadium) personal nombre masculino de mantenimientoground swell mar m & f de fondo————————tr[graʊnd]1→ link=grind grind{1 (coffee) molido,-a2 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (beef) picado,-aground ['graʊnd] vt1) base: fundar, basar2) instruct: enseñar los conocimientos básicos ato be well grounded in: ser muy entendido en3) : conectar a tierra (un aparato eléctrico)4) : varar, hacer encallar (un barco)5) : restringir (un avión o un piloto) a la tierraground n1) earth, soil: suelo m, tierra fto dig (in) the ground: cavar la tierrato fall to the ground: caerse al suelo2) land, terrain: terreno mhilly ground: terreno altoto lose ground: perder terreno3) basis, reason: razón f, motivo mgrounds for complaint: motivos de queja4) background: fondo m5) field: campo m, plaza fparade ground: plaza de armas6) : tierra f (para electricidad)7) grounds nplpremises: recinto m, terreno m8) grounds npldregs: posos mpl (de café)adj.• deslustrado, -a adj.• fundamental adj.• molido, -a adj.• suelo, -a adj.• terrestre adj.• tierra (Electricidad) adj.n.• base s.m.• campo s.m.• fondo s.m.• masa s.f.• suelo s.m.• terreno s.m.• tierra s.f.pret., p.p.(Preterito definido y participio pasivo de "to grind")v.• basar v.• establecer v.• fundar v.• varar v.
I graʊnd1) u (land, terrain) terreno mto be on dangerous o slippery ground — pisar terreno peligroso
to be on safe o firm o solid ground — pisar terreno firme
to be sure of one's ground — saber* qué terreno se pisa
to change o shift one's ground — cambiar de postura
to fall on stony ground — caer* en saco roto
to gain/lose ground — ganar/perder* terreno
to stand/hold one's ground — ( in argument) mantenerse* firme, no ceder terreno; ( in battle) no ceder terreno
to fall/drop to the ground — caer* al suelo
thin on the ground — (BrE colloq)
orders have been very thin on the ground recently — últimamente han escaseado mucho los pedidos or ha habido muy pocos pedidos
to break new o fresh ground — abrir* nuevos caminos
to cut the ground from under somebody/somebody's feet: his evidence cut the ground from under the prosecuting lawyer's feet su testimonio echó por tierra el argumento del fiscal; his sudden change of mind cut the ground from under me su inesperado cambio de opinión echó por tierra todos mis planes; to get off the ground \<\<plan/project\>\> llegar* a concretarse; \<\<talks\>\> empezar* a encaminarse; to get something off the ground \<\<project\>\> poner* algo en marcha; to go to ground (BrE) \<\<fugitive\>\> esconderse; ( lit) \<\<fox\>\> meterse en la madriguera; to prepare the ground for something preparar el terreno para algo; to run o work oneself into the ground: you're working yourself into the ground te estás dejando el pellejo en el trabajo (fam); to suit somebody down to the ground (colloq) \<\<arrangement\>\> venirle* de perlas a alguien (fam); \<\<hat\>\> quedarle que ni pintado a alguien (fam); to worship the ground somebody walks on besar la tierra que pisa alguien; (before n) < conditions> del terreno; <personnel, support> de tierra; ground frost — helada f ( con escarcha sobre el suelo)
4) u (matter, subject)5) c ( outdoor site)football ground — (BrE) campo m de fútbol, cancha f de fútbol (AmL)
6) u (AmE Elec) tierra f7) ( justification) (usu pl) motivo mgrounds for divorce — causal f de divorcio
on financial grounds — por motivos económicos, por razones económicas
they refused to do it, on the grounds that... — se negaron a hacerlo, alegando or aduciendo que...
coffee grounds — posos mpl de café
1) (usu pass)a) ( base) \<\<argument/theory\>\> fundar, cimentar*b) ( instruct)2)a) \<\<plane\>\> retirar del serviciob) \<\<child/teenager\>\> (esp AmE colloq)I can't go out tonight; I'm grounded — no puedo salir esta noche, estoy castigado or no me dejan
3) ( Naut) \<\<ship\>\> hacer* encallar4) ( Sport) (in US football, rugby) \<\<ball\>\> poner* en tierra; ( in baseball) \<\<ball\>\> hacer* rodar5) (AmE Elec) conectar a tierra
vi ( Naut) encallar, varar
adjective <coffee/pepper> molidoground beef — (AmE) carne f molida or (Esp, RPl) picada
I [ɡraʊnd]1. N1) (=soil) tierra f, suelo m2) (=terrain) terreno mhigh/hilly ground — terreno m alto/montañoso
to break new ground — hacer algo nuevo•
to cover a lot of ground — (lit) recorrer una gran distancia•
to be on dangerous ground — entrar en territorio peligroso•
to be on firm ground — hablar con conocimiento de causa•
to gain ground — ganar terreno•
to go to ground — [fox] meterse en su madriguera; [person] esconderse, refugiarse•
to hold one's ground — (lit) no ceder terreno; (fig) mantenerse firme•
to be on (one's) home ground — tratar materia que uno conoce a fondo•
to lose ground — perder terreno•
to run sb to ground — localizar (por fin) a algn, averiguar el paradero de algn•
to shift one's ground — cambiar de postura•
to stand one's ground — (lit) no ceder terreno; (fig) mantenerse firme•
to be on sure ground — hablar con conocimiento de causa- cut the ground from under sb's feetprepare 1.3) (=surface) suelo m, tierra f•
above ground — sobre la tierra•
below ground — debajo de la tierra•
to fall to the ground — (lit) caerse al suelo; (fig) fracasarraze•
on the ground — en el suelo4) (=pitch) terreno m, campo mparade 4., recreation5) (=estate, property) tierras fpl7) (Art etc) (=background) fondo m, trasfondo m8) (US) (Elec) tierra f•
what ground(s) do you have for saying so? — ¿en qué se basa para decir eso?•
on the ground(s) of... — con motivo de..., por causa de..., debido a...on the ground(s) that... — a causa de que..., por motivo de que...
2. VT1) [+ ship] varar, hacer encallar2) [+ plane, pilot] obligar a permanecer en tierra3) (US) (Elec) conectar con tierra4) (=teach)to be well grounded in — tener un buen conocimiento de, estar versado en
5) (esp US) [+ student] encerrar, no dejar salir3.VI (Naut) encallar, varar; (lightly) tocar (on en)4.CPDground attack N — ataque m de tierra; (Aer) ataque m a superficie
ground bass N — bajo m rítmico
ground cloth N — = groundcloth
ground colour N — fondo m, primera capa f
ground control N — (Aer) control m desde tierra
ground crew N — (Aer) personal m de tierra
ground floor N — (Brit) planta f baja
ground-floor flat — (Brit) piso m or (LAm) departamento m de planta baja
ground forces NPL — (Mil) fuerzas fpl de tierra
ground frost N — escarcha f
ground ivy N — hiedra f terrestre
ground level N — nivel m del suelo
ground plan N — plano m, planta f
ground pollution N — contaminación f del suelo
ground rent N — (esp Brit) alquiler m del terreno
ground rules NPL — reglas fpl básicas
ground staff N — = ground crew
ground troops NPL — tropas fpl de tierra
ground wire N — (US) cable m de toma de tierra
Ground Zero N — (in New York) zona f cero
II [ɡraʊnd]1.PTPP of grind2.ADJ [coffee etc] molido; [glass] deslustrado; (US) [meat] picado3.Ngrounds [of coffee] poso msing, sedimento msing4.CPDground almonds NPL — almendras fpl molidas
ground beef N — (US) picadillo m
* * *
I [graʊnd]1) u (land, terrain) terreno mto be on dangerous o slippery ground — pisar terreno peligroso
to be on safe o firm o solid ground — pisar terreno firme
to be sure of one's ground — saber* qué terreno se pisa
to change o shift one's ground — cambiar de postura
to fall on stony ground — caer* en saco roto
to gain/lose ground — ganar/perder* terreno
to stand/hold one's ground — ( in argument) mantenerse* firme, no ceder terreno; ( in battle) no ceder terreno
to fall/drop to the ground — caer* al suelo
thin on the ground — (BrE colloq)
orders have been very thin on the ground recently — últimamente han escaseado mucho los pedidos or ha habido muy pocos pedidos
to break new o fresh ground — abrir* nuevos caminos
to cut the ground from under somebody/somebody's feet: his evidence cut the ground from under the prosecuting lawyer's feet su testimonio echó por tierra el argumento del fiscal; his sudden change of mind cut the ground from under me su inesperado cambio de opinión echó por tierra todos mis planes; to get off the ground \<\<plan/project\>\> llegar* a concretarse; \<\<talks\>\> empezar* a encaminarse; to get something off the ground \<\<project\>\> poner* algo en marcha; to go to ground (BrE) \<\<fugitive\>\> esconderse; ( lit) \<\<fox\>\> meterse en la madriguera; to prepare the ground for something preparar el terreno para algo; to run o work oneself into the ground: you're working yourself into the ground te estás dejando el pellejo en el trabajo (fam); to suit somebody down to the ground (colloq) \<\<arrangement\>\> venirle* de perlas a alguien (fam); \<\<hat\>\> quedarle que ni pintado a alguien (fam); to worship the ground somebody walks on besar la tierra que pisa alguien; (before n) < conditions> del terreno; <personnel, support> de tierra; ground frost — helada f ( con escarcha sobre el suelo)
4) u (matter, subject)5) c ( outdoor site)football ground — (BrE) campo m de fútbol, cancha f de fútbol (AmL)
6) u (AmE Elec) tierra f7) ( justification) (usu pl) motivo mgrounds for divorce — causal f de divorcio
on financial grounds — por motivos económicos, por razones económicas
they refused to do it, on the grounds that... — se negaron a hacerlo, alegando or aduciendo que...
coffee grounds — posos mpl de café
1) (usu pass)a) ( base) \<\<argument/theory\>\> fundar, cimentar*b) ( instruct)2)a) \<\<plane\>\> retirar del serviciob) \<\<child/teenager\>\> (esp AmE colloq)I can't go out tonight; I'm grounded — no puedo salir esta noche, estoy castigado or no me dejan
3) ( Naut) \<\<ship\>\> hacer* encallar4) ( Sport) (in US football, rugby) \<\<ball\>\> poner* en tierra; ( in baseball) \<\<ball\>\> hacer* rodar5) (AmE Elec) conectar a tierra
vi ( Naut) encallar, varar
adjective <coffee/pepper> molidoground beef — (AmE) carne f molida or (Esp, RPl) picada
18 ground
I 1. [graʊnd]1) (surface underfoot) suolo m., terreno m., terra f.to throw sth. on the ground — buttare qcs. in o a terra
to fall to the ground — cadere in o a terra
to pick sth. up off the ground — raccogliere qcs. da terra
to get off the ground — [ plane] decollare; fig. [ idea] decollare, prendere piede
to get sth. off the ground — fare decollare, mettere in moto [plan, campaign]
above, below (the) ground — in superficie, sottoterra
to prepare, clear the ground — preparare, sgombrare il terreno (anche fig.)
2) (area, territory) terreno m., territorio m. (anche fig.)to cover a lot of ground — fare molta strada; fig. andare molto avanti, trattare molti argomenti
to break fresh o new ground fare importanti scoperte, aprire nuove strade (by o in doing facendo); to be sure of one's ground essere sicuro del fatto proprio o di ciò che si fa e si dice; on dangerous ground (in discussion) su un terreno minato; (in dealings) in una posizione delicata; on safe ground — sul sicuro
3) sport terreno m., campo m.4) (reason) motivo m., fondamento m., ragione f. (anche dir.)5) fig. (in contest)to gain ground — guadagnare terreno (on, over su, nei confronti di)
to lose ground — perdere terreno (to nei confronti di)
to give ground cedere terreno; to make up lost ground recuperare il terreno perduto; to hold o stand (one's) ground tenere duro, non cedere; to shift one's ground — cambiare la propria posizione o le carte in tavola
6) AE el. terra f., massa f.7) art. campo m., sfondo m.2.1) (of house) terreno m.sing., terreni m.private grounds — terreni privati, proprietà privata
2) (reasons)grounds for — motivi per o di [divorce, criticism, hope]
grounds for doing — motivi o ragioni per fare
to have grounds for complaint — avere motivo o ragione di lamentarsi
on (the) grounds of — a causa di, in ragione di [adultery, negligence]
on compassionate grounds — per motivi personali o familiari
••to be thin on the ground — essercene pochissimi, essere più unico che raro
to go to ground — rintanarsi, nascondersi
to run sb., sth. to ground — scovare o stanare qcn., qcs.
II [graʊnd]to run o drive oneself into the ground ammazzarsi o sfiancarsi di lavoro; it suits me down to the ground — mi si addice perfettamente, è perfetto per le mie esigenze
2) mar. fare arenare, fare incagliare [ vessel] (on in)3) (base)to ground sth. on o in — basare o fondare qcs. su
5) AE el. mettere a terra, a massaIII 1. [graʊnd] 2.aggettivo [coffee, pepper] macinato* * *past tense, past participle; = grind* * *ground (1) /graʊnd/A pass. e p. p. di to grindB a.1 macinato; frantumato; tritato; in polvere: ground coffee, caffè macinato; ground rice, riso in polvere2 affilato; arrotato3 (mecc.) rettificato; molato; smerigliato: ground glass, vetro smerigliato; ( anche) polvere di vetro♦ ground (2) /graʊnd/A n.1 [u] terreno; (spec. USA) terra; suolo: to till the ground, coltivare la terra; to fall to the ground, cadere a terra2 [u] terreno; posizione; territorio: ( anche fig.) to gain ground, guadagnar terreno; These ideas are gaining ground, queste idee guadagnano terreno; ( anche fig.) to lose (o to give) ground, perdere terreno3 terreno ( di gioco, ecc.); campo: a hunting ground, un terreno di caccia; football ground, stadio di calcio; sports ground, campo sportivo; recreation ground, campo giochi; hospital grounds, terreno alberato che circonda un ospedale; neutral ground, campo neutro; hallowed ground, terreno consacrato5 [cu] fondamento; causa; motivo; ragione: He resigned on moral grounds, si è dimesso per ragioni d'ordine morale; (leg.) grounds for divorce, motivi per concedere (o ottenere) il divorzio6 campo; fondo; sfondo: a design of red flowers on a blue ground, un disegno di fiori rossi su campo azzurro7 [u] terreno, campo (fig.); posizione; argomento; punto: common ground, terreno comune; punto su cui ci si trova d'accordo; Let's go over the ground again, torniamo sull'argomento!; to stand one's ground, tenere la propria posizione; tener duro; non deflettere; (fig.) to be on one's own ground, conoscere bene l'argomento; essere a proprio agio (fig.); giocare in casa (fig. fam.); (fig.) to be on familiar ground, trovarsi a proprio agio (o nel proprio elemento)8 (elettr.) terra; massa11 (pitt.) mano di fondo; imprimitura12 [u] (geol.) roccia; matrice rocciosaB a. attr.2 (elettr.) di massa, di terra; a terra, a massa● ground-air, (mil.) aeroterrestre; (miss.) terra-aria □ ground angling, pesca di fondo ( con la lenza: senza galleggiante) □ (bot.) ground ash, giovane frassino; bastoncino di frassino □ (mil.) ground attack, attacco da terra (o terrestre) □ (mus.) ground bass, basso ostinato □ (ind. costr.) ground beam, dormiente □ ground-breaking, che innova; innovatore; pionieristico □ (elettr.) ground cable, conduttore di terra □ ( USA) ground cloth ► groundsheet □ ground colour, prima mano di vernice; colore di fondo □ (aeron.) ground control, radioguida da terra □ (aeron.) ground controller, controllore di volo; controllore al suolo □ ground cover, tappeto vegetale; sottobosco □ (aeron.) ground crew, personale di terra ( in un aeroporto) □ (aeron.) ground effect, effetto suolo □ ground-effect machine, veicolo a cuscino d'aria; veicolo a effetto suolo □ (bot.) ground elder ( Aegopodium podagraria), podagraria □ (ind. costr.) ground exploration, esame geologico ( di un'area fabbricabile, ecc.) □ ground fish, pesce che vive sul fondo □ ground floor, pianterreno: (fig.) to be [to get] in on the ground floor, essere [entrare] in un'impresa (o un affare) fin dall'inizio □ ground fog, nebbia bassa □ (meteor.) ground frost, gelata ( a zero gradi C o sotto zero) □ ground game, selvaggina minuta ( esclusi i volatili) □ (zool.) ground-gudgeon ( Cobitis barbatula), pesce barometro □ (bot.) ground ivy ( Nepeta hederacea), edera terrestre □ (zool.) ground hair, (peli di) borra ( i più corti e morbidi della pelliccia dei mammiferi) □ (equit.) ground jury, giuria di campo □ (leg.) ground lessee, titolare del diritto di superficie; superficiario □ (leg.) ground lessor, proprietario del suolo che cede il diritto di superficie □ (naut.) ground log, solcometro di fondo □ (naut.) ground mine, mina da fondo □ (mus.) ground note, nota dominante □ (bot.) ground pine, ( Ajuga chamaepitys) camepizio; ( Lycopodium clavatum) licopodio, muschio clavato □ ground plan, pianta del piano terreno ( d'un edificio); (fig.) schema di base; progetto di massima □ ( lotta) ground position, posizione a terra □ (med.) ground practice, poliambulatorio □ (leg.) ground rent, canone pagato ( di solito, per 99 anni) per un suolo ceduto in proprietà superficiaria □ (fig.) ground rule, regola di base; principio □ (aeron.) ground speed, velocità rispetto al suolo; velocità effettiva □ (zool.) ground squirrel ( Sciuridae), sciuride (spec. marmotta) □ ground staff, (aeron.) personale di terra ( in un aeroporto); ( sport) personale addetto alla manutenzione del campo □ (fis.) ground state, stato fondamentale □ (mil., aeron.) ground strafing, attacco a volo radente □ ( tennis) ground stroke, diritto, rovescio ( qualsiasi tiro effettuato dopo il rimbalzo della palla) □ (mil.) ground-to-air missile, missile terra-aria □ (mil.) ground-to-ground missile, missile terra-terra □ (mil.) ground war, guerra terrestre □ (geol.) ground water, acqua freatica, acque sotterranee □ ground-water level, livello freatico □ ground-water table, falda freatica, falda idrica □ ( radio) ground wave, onda di superficie □ ground wire, (elettr.) filo di messa a terra; (edil.) filo di guida □ (fis. nucl., mil.) ground zero, punto zero □ (fig.) above ground, ancora al mondo; vivo □ (fig.) below ground, sottoterra; morto e sepolto □ to break ground, (agric.) dissodare terreno vergine; (ind. costr.) iniziare i lavori di scavo; (fig.) preparare il terreno □ (fig.) to break fresh (o new) ground ► to break □ to cover much ground, fare molta strada, percorrere una lunga distanza; (fig.) trattare molti argomenti □ (fig.) to cut the ground from under sb. 's feet, far mancare il terreno sotto i piedi a q. □ (fig. fam.) down to the ground, alla perfezione; a pennello: That suits me down to the ground!, questo mi va a pennello! □ (fig.) to fall to the ground, andare in fumo; andare a monte; fallire □ fishing grounds, zone di pesca □ forbidden ground, terreno proibito; (fig.) argomento da evitarsi □ ( anche fig.) to gain ground, guadagnare terreno □ high ground, altura □ (fig.) to hold (o to keep) one's ground, restare sulle proprie posizioni; mantenere il proprio punto di vista; non deflettere; non cedere □ (aeron.) on the ground, a terra ( non in volo) □ on the grounds of, a causa di; per motivi di □ (fig.) to be on safe ground, andare sul sicuro; trattare un argomento che si conosce bene □ (fig.) to shift one's own ground, mutare la propria posizione ( in una discussione, ecc.); cambiare idea □ (naut.) to strike ground, arenarsi; incagliarsi sul fondo □ (fig.) to touch ground, venire al sodo.(to) ground /graʊnd/A v. t.1 (naut.) fare arenare; fare incagliare2 (aeron.) tenere a terra; costringere a restare a terra; impedire il decollo a: The airplane was grounded owing to thick fog, l'aereo è stato costretto a restare a terra per la fitta nebbia3 basare; fondare; motivare: Ground your claims on fact, motiva i tuoi reclami con elementi concreti4 ( anche sport) mettere a terra; posare per terra; mettere giù; mandare a terra, atterrare: to ground the ball, mettere a terra il pallone; ( calcio) to ground one's opponent, atterrare l'avversario5 dare le basi a (q.); istruire nei primi elementi: I want to ground them in modern physics, voglio istruirli nei primi elementi della fisica moderna8 (elettr.) mettere a terra; collegare a massaB v. i.● (mil.) Ground arms!, pied'arm!* * *I 1. [graʊnd]1) (surface underfoot) suolo m., terreno m., terra f.to throw sth. on the ground — buttare qcs. in o a terra
to fall to the ground — cadere in o a terra
to pick sth. up off the ground — raccogliere qcs. da terra
to get off the ground — [ plane] decollare; fig. [ idea] decollare, prendere piede
to get sth. off the ground — fare decollare, mettere in moto [plan, campaign]
above, below (the) ground — in superficie, sottoterra
to prepare, clear the ground — preparare, sgombrare il terreno (anche fig.)
2) (area, territory) terreno m., territorio m. (anche fig.)to cover a lot of ground — fare molta strada; fig. andare molto avanti, trattare molti argomenti
to break fresh o new ground fare importanti scoperte, aprire nuove strade (by o in doing facendo); to be sure of one's ground essere sicuro del fatto proprio o di ciò che si fa e si dice; on dangerous ground (in discussion) su un terreno minato; (in dealings) in una posizione delicata; on safe ground — sul sicuro
3) sport terreno m., campo m.4) (reason) motivo m., fondamento m., ragione f. (anche dir.)5) fig. (in contest)to gain ground — guadagnare terreno (on, over su, nei confronti di)
to lose ground — perdere terreno (to nei confronti di)
to give ground cedere terreno; to make up lost ground recuperare il terreno perduto; to hold o stand (one's) ground tenere duro, non cedere; to shift one's ground — cambiare la propria posizione o le carte in tavola
6) AE el. terra f., massa f.7) art. campo m., sfondo m.2.1) (of house) terreno m.sing., terreni m.private grounds — terreni privati, proprietà privata
2) (reasons)grounds for — motivi per o di [divorce, criticism, hope]
grounds for doing — motivi o ragioni per fare
to have grounds for complaint — avere motivo o ragione di lamentarsi
on (the) grounds of — a causa di, in ragione di [adultery, negligence]
on compassionate grounds — per motivi personali o familiari
••to be thin on the ground — essercene pochissimi, essere più unico che raro
to go to ground — rintanarsi, nascondersi
to run sb., sth. to ground — scovare o stanare qcn., qcs.
II [graʊnd]to run o drive oneself into the ground ammazzarsi o sfiancarsi di lavoro; it suits me down to the ground — mi si addice perfettamente, è perfetto per le mie esigenze
2) mar. fare arenare, fare incagliare [ vessel] (on in)3) (base)to ground sth. on o in — basare o fondare qcs. su
5) AE el. mettere a terra, a massaIII 1. [graʊnd] 2.aggettivo [coffee, pepper] macinato -
19 ground
20 ground
I1. [graʋnd] n1. 1) земля, поверхность землиa narrow slip of ground - узкая полоска земли /суши/
on firm ground - на суше, на твёрдой земле [ср. тж. ♢ ]
to lie [to sit] on the ground - лежать [сидеть] на земле
to fall [to be thrown] to the ground - падать [быть (с)брошенным] на землю [ср. тж. ♢ ]
2) почва, земля, грунтfertile [barren, marshy /boggy/, sandy] ground - плодородная [бесплодная, болотистая, песчаная] почва
contaminated ground - радиоактивно заражённый грунт, радиоактивно заражённая местность
ground contamination - воен. заражение местности стойкими отравляющими или радиоактивными веществами
ground moistening - с.-х. грунтовое увлажнение
to till the ground - возделывать землю, пахать
to break ground - а) распахивать землю; б) раскапывать, разрывать; в) рыть котлован; г) делать первые шаги; подготавливать почву; [см. тж. 3)]
to break fresh ground - а) поднимать целину; б) предпринимать что-л. новое
3) дно моряto touch ground - коснуться дна [см. тж. 6]
to take the ground - мор. сесть на мель [ср. тж. ♢ ]
to break ground - поднимать якорь [см. тж. 2)]
4) горн. подошва выработки2. 1) участок земли2) pl сад, парк, участок земли вокруг дома3) площадка; спортивная площадка (тж. sports ground)4) полигон; аэродром; плац (тж. parade, drill или training ground)5) территория3. 1) местность, область, районlevel [flat, rising, rough /broken, bumpy/] ground - ровная [плоская, постепенно возвышающаяся, пересечённая /изрезанная/] местность
undulating ground - волнистая /холмистая/ местность
ground study - воен. изучение местности
2) высотаdominating ground - спец. господствующая высота
4. 1) фон; грунт, грунтовкаa design of flowers on a white ground - узор из цветов на белом поле /по белому полю/
ground coat - грунт, грунтовка; первый слой краски
2) офортный лак3) жив. планthe middle ground - второй /средний/ план
5. основание, причина, мотивto have (good) ground(s) for believing [saying, doing] smth., to have (good) ground(s) to believe [to say, to do] smth. - иметь (все) основания верить чему-л. [говорить, делать что-л.]
to have no ground for anxiety [complaint] - не иметь оснований беспокоиться [жаловаться]
to have no ground for suspicion [refusal] - не иметь причин /оснований/ для подозрений [отказа]
there are several grounds of suspicion against him - имеется несколько причин подозревать его
what is the ground of his complaint? - на каком основании он жалуется?
there are still grounds for hope - всё ещё можно надеяться; ≅ ещё не всё потеряно
on the ground of - а) по причине, на основании; б) под предлогом
on personal grounds - по личным мотивам /причинам/, из личных соображений
on what ground(s)? - на каком основании?, по какой причине?
on what grounds are you refusing? - на каком основании /почему/ вы отказываетесь?
to excuse oneself on the grounds of illness - отказаться делать что-л., ссылаясь на болезнь
I acted on good grounds - у меня были все основания действовать таким образом
grounds for divorce - юр. основания для развода
grounds for appeal - юр. основания для кассационной жалобы
6. предмет, тема (разговора, исследования, спора)debatable ground - спорная тема; предмет спора
common ground - вопрос, в котором спорящие стороны сходятся
delicate ground - щекотливая /деликатная/ тема; щекотливый /деликатный/ вопрос, щекотливая /деликатная/ ситуация
to cover much ground - охватывать /затрагивать/ много вопросов [ср. тж. ♢ ]
to go over the ground (again) - (снова) повторить /проверить/ (что-л.)
to touch ground - дойти до сути дела /до фактов/ [см. тж. 1, 3)]
7. pl1) осадок, гуща, подонки2) редк. остатки пищи8. уст.1) фундамент2) основной принцип3) pl зачатки, основы4) основная, основополагающая часть9. охот. нораto go /to run/ to ground - скрыться в норе ( о лисе)
10. эл. заземление; «земля»11. текст. основа12. муз. граунд, остинатный бас♢
above ground см. above-groundbelow ground - умерший, скончавшийся; в земле, в могиле
down to the ground - а) полностью, во всех отношениях; it suits me down to the ground - это устраивает меня во всех отношениях; б) полностью, окончательно; без остатка
from the ground up - а) амер. основательно, полностью, во всех отношениях; to study a case from the ground up - досконально изучить дело; б) с самого начала; с пустого места, с нуля
on one's own ground - а) в своей стихии; б) дома
to be on sure /firm/ ground, to be sure of one's ground - чувствовать твёрдую почву под ногами [ср. тж. 1, 1)]
to gain ground on smb. - побеждать кого-л.
to gain /to gather, to get/ ground - а) продвигаться вперёд; б) распространяться; в) делать успехи
to cover (much) ground - а) покрыть /пройти/ (большое) расстояние; б) (много) путешествовать; в) сделать большую часть (чего-л.); [ср. тж. 6]
to give ground - а) отступать, отходить; б) уступать, сдавать позиции
to lose ground - а) = to give ground; б) потерять прежнее положение, идти назад, регрессировать; в) становиться непопулярным
to take ground - воен. а) занимать местность; б) залечь; [ср. тж. 1, 3)]
to hold /to keep, to maintain, to stand/ one's ground - а) не сдавать позиций, не отступать; б) стоять на своём, не поддаваться уговорам
to shift /to change/ one's ground - переменить позицию в споре, изменить точку зрения в ходе дискуссии
to fall to the ground - рушиться; оказаться бесплодным /безрезультатным/ ( о планах) [ср. тж. 1, 1)]
to dash smb.'s hopes to the ground - разбить чьи-л. надежды
to cut the ground from under smb.'s feet - выбить почву из-под ног у кого-л.
to get off the ground - а) взлететь; подняться в воздух; оторваться от земли (о самолёте и т. п.); б) начать действовать; включиться в работу
to get smth. off the ground - успешно положить начало чему-л.; пустить в ход; двинуть; ≅ запустить на орбиту
to get the conference off the ground - сдвинуть конференцию с мёртвой точки
to fall on stony ground - библ. падать на бесплодную ночву
into the ground - до последней степени; перейдя все границы
caution is no doubt a virtue, but don't run it into the ground - осмотрительность, конечно, добродетель, но не надо так с ней перебарщивать
2. [graʋnd] a1. 1) наземныйground troops /forces/ - воен. наземные /сухопутные/ войска
ground operations - воен. наземные боевые действия
ground defence - воен. наземная (противовоздушная) оборона
ground reconnaissance - воен. наземная разведка
ground crew /staff/ - ав. а) наземный обслуживающий экипаж; б) жарг. нелётный состав
ground control - радио наземное управление, управление с земли
2) держащийся низко над землёйground fog - низкий /метеор. тж. приземный/ туман
2. аэродромныйground flare - ав. аэродромный сигнальный огонь
ground personnel - ав. аэродромный технический персонал
ground pilot - воен. разг. член аэродромной команды
3. [graʋnd] v1. 1) сесть на мель2) посадить на мель3) мор. заставить выброситься на берег или приткнуться к берегу2. ав.1) приземляться2) заставить приземлиться3) препятствовать отрыву от землиthe planes were grounded by the fog, the fog grounded the planes - из-за тумана самолёты не могли подняться в воздух
3. 1) класть, опускать на землюto ground arms - воен. складывать оружие, сдаваться
2) опускаться на землю4. основывать, обосновыватьto ground one's arguments on facts [on experience] - основывать свои доводы на фактах [на опыте]
to ground one's claims on facts - обосновывать /подкреплять/ свои требования /претензии/ фактами
the theory is well [ill] grounded - теория хорошо [плохо] обоснована
5. (in) обучать основам ( предмета)to ground smb. in mathematics [in Latin] - обучать кого-л. основам математики [латыни]
to be well grounded in grammar - хорошо знать основы /основные правила/ грамматики
6. эл. заземлять7. 1) спец. грунтовать2) мездрить ( кожу)8. стр. положить основание9. 1) отстранять от полётов ( пилота); отчислять из лётного состава2) лишать водительских прав; не разрешать ( подростку) водить автомобиль3) отчислять из флота4) не разрешать вылет; не разрешать старт (космического корабля и т. п.)II1. [graʋnd] a1. молотый, толчёный, измельчённыйground hay - измельчённое сено, сенная мука
2. матовый, матированный3. = ground-in2. [graʋnd] past и p. p. от grind II
См. также в других словарях:
on one's own ground — ► on one s own ground in one s own territory or area of knowledge. Main Entry: ↑ground … English terms dictionary
on one's own ground — idi on one s own ground, in an area or situation that one knows well … From formal English to slang
on one's own ground — in one s own territory or concerning one s own range of knowledge or experience I feel reasonably relaxed if I m interviewed on my own ground … Useful english dictionary
on one's own ground — in one s own territory or area of knowledge. → ground … English new terms dictionary
hold one's own ground — maintain one s position in the face of opposition, stand firm … English contemporary dictionary
on one's own ground — on familiar territory, on home soil … English contemporary dictionary
ground — [1] ► NOUN 1) the solid surface of the earth. 2) land of a specified kind: marshy ground. 3) an area of land or sea with a specified use: fishing grounds. 4) (grounds) an area of enclosed land surrounding a large house. 5) (grounds … English terms dictionary
To take one's own course — Take Take, v. t. [imp. {Took} (t[oo^]k); p. p. {Taken} (t[=a]k n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Taking}.] [Icel. taka; akin to Sw. taga, Dan. tage, Goth. t[=e]kan to touch; of uncertain origin.] 1. In an active sense; To lay hold of; to seize with the hands … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ground — ground1 [ground] n. [ME grund < OE, ground, bottom, akin to Ger grund, ON grunnr: for IE base see GRIND] 1. a) Obs. the lowest part, base, or bottom of anything b) the bottom of a body of water 2. the surface of the earth, specif. the solid… … English World dictionary
To hold one's own — Hold Hold, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Held}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Holding}. {Holden}, p. p., is obs. in elegant writing, though still used in legal language.] [OE. haldan, D. houden, OHG. hoten, Icel. halda, Dan. holde, Sw. h[*a]lla, Goth. haldan to feed,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hold one's own — verb 1. be sufficiently competent in a certain situation He can hold his own in graduate school • Verb Frames: Somebody s 2. maintain one s position and be in control of a situation • Hypernyms: ↑control, ↑command … Useful english dictionary